Title Audio File Description
Website Wednesday - December '24

This podcast features Joe Martin interviewing Dee Rosenthal, Executive Director of the Community Blood Bank of Northwest Pennsylvania and Western New York, about the organization’s efforts to connect blood donors with patients in need. Topics include the impact of winter storms, upcoming promotions like the Gift of Life and Holiday Heroes campaigns, and plans for National Blood Donor Month in January.

Website Wednesday - November '24

The Community Blood Bank of NWPA and WNY want to come to your business to help fulfill their mission of connecting donors to patients who need life-sustaining blood products in the communities they serve.  Dee Rosenthal explains how to reach out to get the Bloodmobile to come to your business during this month's episode of their Website Wednesday Podcast!

Website Wednesday - October '24

This podcast features a conversation between host Joe Martin and Megan Solensky, Community Relations Specialist at the Community Blood Bank of Northwest Pennsylvania and Western New York. Topics include the Blood Bank's recognition as Erie’s Choice for Best Employers, the organization's commitment to community care, hurricane relief drives, and October promotions for blood donations!

Website Wednesday - September '24

Megan Solensky, the new Community Relations Specialist at the Community Blood Bank, discusses the need for donors right now and the promotions and incentives they have in place to encourage donations.

Website Wednesday - August '24

In their August edition of their Website Wednesday podcast: Joe Martin & the Dee Rosenthal discuss the nationwide Blood & Platelet shortage.  You can always visit fourhearts.org to gather information on how to help the sole supplier of blood to our local hospitals. 

Website Wednesday - July '24

In this month's edition of the Website Wednesday Podcast, find out how you can collaborate with the CBB for their Heart to Heart blood drive program.  Other topics include: the Dial for Donors volunteer program & the upcoming Erie Gives Day fundraising event through the Erie Community Foundation. 

Website Wednesday - June '24

Joe Martin & Dee Rosenthal discuss upcoming June promotions along with sharing details about the process and importance of Plasma donations!  Visit: https://fourhearts.org for more information.

Website Wednesday - May '24

Dee Rosenthal, Executive Director of the Community Blood Bank of NWPA and WNY presents the debut episode of their Website Wednesday Podcast.  Hear about exciting May donation giveaways, and find out why the summer months are a critical time to receive blood donations!